Où la Pâque a-t-elle été sacrifiée ?

Was the Temple in Jerusalem the only Jewish temple in ancient times? Was it acceptable to sacrifice the Passover lambs just anywhere? Was the Passover a “home sacrifice,” as some contend? Correct answers to these questions can help us have a more complete understanding of the history of the Passover institution and how it was administered under the Old Covenant.

The Temple in Samaria

During the latter days of Solomon’s reign, the kingdom of Israel was led into idolatry, as Solomon built “high places” (places of worship) for foreign gods of his wives, and his heart was turned from faith in the true Creator God of Israel, to the worship of false gods. As a result God pronounced that the kingdom would be divided, with ten of the tribes of Israel being given to Solomon’s servant Jeroboam, who became the first king of the northern kingdom (I Kings 11:1-39). The division occurred shortly after the death of Solomon (c. 930 B.C.). Its capital was eventually established in the city of Samaria, built by a later king, Omri (c. 879 B.C.; I Kings 16:23-24). The northern kingdom established under Jeroboam retained the name “kingdom of Israel.” The southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin, and most of the Levites, remained as the kingdom of Judah, under Solomon’s son Rehoboam, and his successors, with its capital in Jerusalem.

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