How Will the World be Different When Christ Returns? (Part 3)

Today’s world is in turmoil. The descendants of the ancient peoples of Israel, not just the Jewish people, but all of the so-called “lost ten tribes,” who migrated westward and eventually settled in the British Isles, parts of western and northwestern Europe, and kindred peoples in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and other scattered places, were warned that if they rejected him and his commandments they would have their blessings replaced by curses. But after a period of punishment, they would be delivered, and not only they, but the entire world would be blessed by God as never before, under the reign of the risen Jesus Christ, returned to the earth to assume rulership over the entire world, sitting on the throne of David in Jerusalem.

In this message we discuss some additional ways in which the world will be different — and far better — after the return of Jesus Christ, than it is today, in the concluding message of this series.

“How Will the World be Different When Christ Returns (Part 3),” by Rod Reynolds, COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Find and Remain in the True Church (Part 2)

The Bible warns us not to depart from the teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles and prophets as recorded in Scripture. But also warns us of deceivers, teaching contrary to God’s word. Some of the claims and devices of various false teachers are exposed in this message, along with encouragement aimed at helping you remain faithful to the truth of God’s Word.

“Find and Remain in the True Church (Part 2),” by Rod Reynolds, COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Find and Remain in the True Church (Part 1)

Are you a member of the true Church? How many true Churches are there? What is the true Church? How can you know if you are in the true Church? And if you are in the true Church, how can you stay in the true Church of God? These are questions every person who desires to be a genuine Christian faces. We should know the answers. And the answers are in the Bible, as explained in this message

“Find and Remain in the True Church (Part 1),” by Rod Reynolds, COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

You Will See God

Some may wonder, if there is a real God, why can’t we see him? Why would God hide himself? In this message learn what the Bible tells us about why most have not seen God, and under what circumstances you, and everyone else, even those now in their graves, will see God.

“You Will See God,” by Rod Reynolds, COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Why Did God Choose Israel — Part 1?

According to Scripture, God chose the people of Israel, that is, the people descended from the patriarch Israel, as his chosen people. The people of Israel had a special and privileged relationship with God.

“O seed of Abraham His servant, You children of Jacob, His chosen ones” (Psalms 105:6).

To many in our modern culture, the fact that God would designate a particular people to be “chosen,” separate from other peoples of the earth, would seem grossly unfair, and would make God partial, and a respecter of persons.

Why did God choose Israel? Let’s explore what the Bible has to say about this question.

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