The Bible speaks of a rest for the people of God. What is that rest? Have Christians already entered into the rest? Continue reading
Category: Q & A
Will the Levitical Priesthood Be Restored?
Question: It’s been taught that after Christ’s return the Levites will once again offer burnt offerings and other sacrifices. Why is this necessary? Will it be used as a tutor to train people the overall scheme of things? Or is it meant figuratively?
Also, Jeremiah 33:18, says there will always be a Levitical priest to offer sacrifices and offerings. But there have not been priests doing offerings since 70 AD. So, it looks like it means that, as the Levites have been offering up sacrifices all these centuries, it is in a figurative or spiritual sense rather than literal. In verses 21-22, of this chapter, God refers to the priests as His ministers. So maybe all these things (specifically the offering of sacrifices after the return of Christ) are merely a type of the spiritual healing that will become the norm on earth.
Can you give me some feedback on this? Continue reading
Every Eye Will See Him
The statement “every eye will see him” (Revelation 1:7), is it a literal statement? I always figured Christ’s return would be a big event that would shake the whole world. Of course he could come like lightning, he could come any way that he wants. He could take a day or it could be instantaneous. From Scripture it seems that there will be no doubt when His coming takes place. The statement “even they who pierced Him,” to what is it referring?
Do the armies of the world unite to fight Christ at his coming or do they just end up in Israel fighting each other? Is the Beast defeated militarily before Christ’s return? Continue reading
Did Jesus Fulfill the Law?
Question: Didn’t Jesus fulfill all of the Law and all of the Feasts through His coming to earth, going to the cross, and being raised on the 3rd day? He has sat down at the right hand of God and continually makes intercession for us. He is our High Priest. Or am I not reading my Bible correctly?
Answer: Jesus fulfilled the law in the sense of perfect obedience to it, as he did not sin (Matthew 3:15; cf. Acts 13:22; Romans 2:27; Galatians 5:16; 6:2; 1 Peter 2:22).
Note that Paul was sent as a steward of the gospel, with the responsibility to “fulfill the word of God,” in the same sense in which Christ fulfilled the law (Colossians 1:25). Robertson (Word Pictures in the New Testament) comments on the verse as follows: “to fill full or to give full scope to the Word of God.” Paul prayed for the Christians in Thessalonica, that they would “fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power” (2 Thessalonians 1:11).
Dies of Itself
Bible Study Question
Deuteronomy 14:21 states that “you shall not eat anything that dies of itself, you may give it to the alien who is within your gates, that he may eat it or you may sell it to a foreigner, for you are a holy people to the Lord your God.” Why can a foreigner or alien eat something that dies of itself, and doesn’t it become toxic when an animal dies?
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