The Way of Peace

Published November 26, 2018
The Bible makes it plain that there is a way of life that is referred to as the way of peace. Yet, few know the way of peace. Certainly the world, with its chaos, confusion, strife and conflict, is not at peace. In this message are revealed ten steps in the way of peace that you can apply in your life.

“The Way of Peace” by Messenger Church of God released under a cc-by-nc-nd Creative Commons License:
This image released under a CC cc-by-nc-nd license. Click here for details.

God the Giver of Knowledge

Published October 7, 2018
Does God want to keep people ignorant? No! In fact, God is the source of all true knowledge, and he wants to share his knowledge with us. In this message God is revealed as the Giver of knowledge.

“God the Giver of Knowledge” by Messenger Church of God released under a cc-by-nc-nd Creative Commons License:

Why the Enigma of the Bible?

Published August 1, 2018
In this sermon, Rod Reynolds explores why it is that so many people do not understand the Bible. This sermon also explains some vital keys in unlocking God’s Word so you can understand it better. The Bible is the most widely circulated book in the world. Well over 2 billion copies of the Bible have been printed and distributed worldwide. Almost every household in much of the western world has at least one Bible, and yet it is a book that is little understood.

“Why the Enigma of the Bible?” by Messenger Church of God released under a cc-by-nc-nd Creative Commons License:
This image released under a CC cc-by-nc-nd license. Click here for details.

Picturing the Firstfruits of God’s Spirit

Published June 23, 2018
In this sermon, Rod Reynolds discusses why the Feast of Pentecost is significant to Christians, and why it is an important Holy Day to observe. The annual Holy Days, Festivals and even the weekly Sabbath are set aside for a purpose, and each of these days fits in with God’s plan of salvation for humanity. Through these special days, we have the opportunity to learn wonderful details about God’s plan.

“Picturing the Firstfruits of God’s Spirit” by Messenger Church of God released under a cc-by-nc-nd Creative Commons License:
This image released under a CC cc-by-nc-nd license. Click here for details.

The Power Behind the Spiritual Creation

Full Audio:

Published on June 1, 2018
The Spirit of God is the power by which God’s spiritual creation is being formed and perfected in the Church. The Holy Spirit is a spirit of power, but do we understand how powerful God really is? God is a Workman, a Builder, a Creator and the power by which He is perfecting His creation is His Spirit.

“The Power Behind the Spiritual Creation” by Messenger Church of God released under a cc-by-nc-nd Creative Commons License:
This image released under a CC cc-by-nc-nd license. Click here for details.