Pentecost – Grace and Judgment in this Age

Like all of God’s festivals, the Feast of Pentecost has great significance pertaining to his plan for all mankind. One of the important features of Pentecost is that it can serve to illustrate how grace and judgment are interwoven in how God deals with human beings, including his Church.

This article explains how Pentecost relates to both grace and judgment in the plan God is working out for his people.

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In Prosperity Beware!

In the modern age Americans and many others around the world are enjoying unprecedented wealth. Luxuries previous generations could not even dream of are taken for granted by today’s generation. But how are we faring morally and spiritually in the midst of such abundance?

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What Happens to Those Who Die as Infants?

A question that has often been asked among professing Christians is: “What happens to those who die as infants?” Often, among professing Christians, the question is do they “go to heaven or to hell?” What does the Bible itself teach about the salvation or damnation of those who die as infants, or in childhood? What about those who are aborted, or stillborn? Continue reading

Are the ‘Lost’ Predestined to Hell?

Traditional Christianity has taught that when one dies, whatever judgment awaits him is made and that is final. Some have gone so far as to teach that God chose and “predestined” some for salvation from the beginning of time, and that all others are destined for “hell.” Logically, this would mean many, even the vast majority, of humanity are “predestined” to be sent to hell for eternity (as hell is often imagined). Are the “lost” of this age predestined to eternal torment in hell? Continue reading