Disputing Doctrine

Does it really matter what you believe? Why can’t we just mind our own business and try to get along with others, no matter what our differences in belief?

Doctrinal disputes among those who profess to be of a particular religion or other system of belief are common — and have been for millennia. This applies not only among those who profess to be Christians, but among those of other religions, or political and other belief systems.

As Christians how are we to handle doctrine? Should we involve ourselves in disputing doctrine? If so, when and how? Continue reading

God Our Father

What does it mean to be a father? Have you ever thought about it? What is it that fathers are supposed to do? What makes the difference between a “good” father and one not so good? What can we learn about these questions from God our Father?

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Christ In You

In the Scriptures we are told that Christ dwells (through his Spirit) in his Church – in its members individually and collectively (Romans 8:9-10; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19-20; 2 Corinthians 13:5; Ephesians 1:17; Colossians 1:27). Have you ever stopped to think about what this means?

Is Christ in YOU? How can you know?
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Proclaim Liberty

“Proclaim liberty,” Scripture says (Leviticus 25:10; Isaiah 61:1). For the better part of human history, most of mankind has been in bondage. Indeed, in a sense the entire creation has been subject to bondage in certain respects (Romans 8:20-21).

Many are unaware that even now many millions are literally trapped in slavery, human bondage. The story of how men have enslaved one another, and subjected their own kind to bondage, denying them liberty, is surveyed in this article. The good news is, liberation is coming for all mankind, not only from physical slavery but from slavery to sin, as well, yet in circumstances many will not expect.
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Peace In God’s Time

For 6000 years the pages of the history of mankind have been soaked with blood. The weapons of war continue to grow in destructive power. And the wars themselves continue to exhibit often shocking, wanton violence and depravity. All efforts towards peace engineered by human beings have failed, and will fail. The only real hope for permanent peace among nations is Divine intervention, as long ago prophesied in the pages of the Bible. The good news is, peace will happen, in God’s time. Continue reading