The Bible Hell

In The Bible Hell by John Wesley Hanson, published in 1888, the author goes through a  word study of the four words translated “hell” in various English Bible versions. The author contrasts the manner in which these words in both the Old and New Testaments are used and understood by the authors who used the words in question, in contrast with subsequent interpreters who attached to the words meanings from heathen idolatry, meanings alien to the Bible’s true teachings.

The author’s preface summarizes his purpose and a summation of his conclusions as follows: “The brief excursus on the word ‘Hell’ contained in this volume, aims to treat the subject in a popular style, and at the same time to present all the important facts, so fully and comprehensively that any reader can obtain in a few pages a birds-eye-view of ‘The Bible Hell.’

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The United States and Britain in Prophecy

Although perhaps most professing Christians are aware that the people of Israel are featured in the “Old Testament” of the Bible, many are not familiar enough with the Scriptures to understand that the terms “Israel” or “Israelite” are not necessarily synonymous with the “Jews.” The patriarch Jacob, whose name God changed to Israel (Genesis 32:28), had twelve sons. The progeny of each of his twelve sons eventually became one of the twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis 49:28; Exodus 24:4).

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When Is the Biblical Passover?


Many who think of themselves as Christians would wonder why does it matter when is the proper time to observe the Passover. Yet, not only did Jesus Christ observe it, the Church he established throughout the era of the original apostles kept it annually as well, as instructed in God’s word. It’s commonly acknowledged by Bible scholars and historians that the Sunday Easter tradition did not prevail among professing Christian churches until around the middle of the second century, A.D.

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References For Bible Students

Note: Many of the books referenced below are now in the public domain. While they may still be in print and available for purchase, many of them can also be downloaded free from the Internet, and many are available to refer to at various Internet websites.

Even though the references mentioned below may prove useful for studying the Bible and related subjects, their inclusion is by no means to be taken as an unqualified endorsement of everything that is written in any particular reference. Bible students are advised to exercise caution, integrity and due diligence in the use of any reference source.

It’s intended that this page will be updated and expanded from time to time. Continue reading