Why Study the Bible?

Of all the countless books that have been written, is there any that reliably answers the most fundamental and important questions of life? Why do we exist? What is our nature? Is there a God, and if so, what is God like? What does God expect of us? Can we know the true God? Does God love us? Is there a path that can put an end to violence, unnecessary suffering and sorrow? What happens when we die? Is there a way to eternal life, and if so, what is it?

Believe it or not, there is such a book, a book that has the answers to these questions, and other questions vital to the life of every human. That book is called the Bible. The Bible is unlike any other, and has no equal, because it is God’s revelation to mankind of knowledge that can be found in no other source.

In this message you’re invited to consider specific reasons why you should study the Bible.

“Why Study the Bible?,” by Rod Reynolds, COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

God of Justice

Jesus Christ is coming soon to administer his government over the entire world, according to Scripture. Among the qualities of that government to rule all nations, we are assured, is justice. What makes God, the God of the Bible, “the God of justice”?

Please note: A reference is made in this sermon to II Kings 3:28, which is a not the scripture intended. The correct reference is I Kings 3:28.

The Blessing of Truth

The Bible assures us that God is the giver of every blessing (James 1:17). There are countless blessings from God that could be listed.

However, in this article I want to focus on one particular blessing of paramount importance to every single person, especially those who are in possession of that blessing. But those who are without it, or who are deficient in it, suffer as a result.

Even though the blessing I am focusing on here is rare in certain respects, and becoming even more scarce, it’s a blessing that God wants everyone to have. And in due time, the world will be confronted with this blessing on a universal scale.

What is the blessing? It’s truth.

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