What Is the Kingdom of God?

Is the kingdom of God, as many assume, merely a warm feeling in one’s heart, or a vague idea about someday ‘going to heaven’? Or is the kingdom of God more real, tangible and powerful than most people have imagined? Continue reading

Free To Be Lawless?

The “Magna Carta,” and “Bill of Rights,” give testimony to the fact that Americans, and Britons, especially, have historically treasured the ideal of “freedom.” But despite such historic love of freedom, are we really free? Continue reading

Is Christmas Really Christian?

Every year in December we see in the U.S.A. and other parts of the world trees adorned with garlands and lights, and ubiquitous images of a fat, jolly old man in a red suit.

Christmas is ostensibly observed to honor and worship Jesus Christ and God. I remember seeing one year near Christmas a group of singers in a shopping mall with a sign saying “Jesus is the reason for the season.” But few seem to stop and ask themselves, “Is this how Christ would have me worship him?” Continue reading

Did Jesus Teach ‘Different Commandments’?

Are the commandments Christ taught different from the ones revealed in the Old Testament, as some allege? The Sabbath, tithing and certain other laws, the reasoning goes, are not included in the commandments Christ was referring to when he said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). This idea is hardly a new one. It was taught by second century teachers such as Justin Martyr and Irenaeus, and numerous others who followed down through the centuries. But what does God’s word say? Did Jesus teach a different set of commandments? Continue reading