In previous articles in our Two Covenants series we’ve discussed the relationship between the Old and New Covenants, and reasons why the Old Covenant was given.
To review, we’ve discussed the concept that the Old Covenant was a type of the New Covenant. It was given as an introduction to living spiritual principles. But as it was a shadow, or type or figure of the New, it was not the full reality of what the New Covenant encompasses. For example, the sacrifices under the Old Covenant were among other things a type of Christ’s sacrifice, but they were not the reality of the sacrifice itself.
Reasons for the giving of the Old Covenant that we discussed included:
(1) The Separation and preservation of a people for God.
(2) A tutor or schoolmaster pointing to Christ.
(3) A form of knowledge and truth.
(4) To teach the nature and effect of sin.
(5) To reveal the need for the Holy Spirit.
Later in this article our focus shifts to the New Covenant.
But first, we will briefly list some other important reasons for the giving of the Old Covenant in addition to the five already discussed. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, but will furnish food for thought.
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