What is the Meaning of “Born Again?” Part 1

Walking in the water

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Published July 2, 2019

When we see the term “born again” in the Bible, how are we to understand it? There has been a great deal of misunderstanding about this term. In the first of three parts in this series, pastor Rod Reynolds discusses in detail what it means to be born again.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

“What is the Meaning of Born Again? Part 1” by Messenger Church of God released under a Creative Commons [CC BY-ND 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/)]License:
This image released under a CC cc-by-nc-nd license. Click here for details.

What Happens to Those Who Die as Infants?

A question that has often been asked among professing Christians is: “What happens to those who die as infants?” Often, among professing Christians, the question is do they “go to heaven or to hell?” What does the Bible itself teach about the salvation or damnation of those who die as infants, or in childhood? What about those who are aborted, or stillborn? Continue reading

Smoke Ascends Forever?

Smoke Ascends

Play Audio:

Published August 7, 2018
Will the wicked really be tormented forever in hell? In this sermon, pastor Rod Reynolds examines in detail passages in the book of Revelation that have traditionally been used to establish the common belief in a never-ending hellfire reserved for punishment of the wicked. To understand what the Bible says about hell, we must carefully study the context of the scriptures in question.

“Smoke Ascends Forever?” by Messenger Church of God released under a cc-by-nc-nd Creative Commons License:
This image released under a CC cc-by-nc-nd license. Click here for details.

The Two Covenants (Part 4)

What is the nature and effect of sin? Why is the Holy Spirit essential to salvation? How are these questions related to the “Old Covenant” that God made with Israel? Continue reading to find the answers!

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The Power Behind the Spiritual Creation

Full Audio:

Published on June 1, 2018
The Spirit of God is the power by which God’s spiritual creation is being formed and perfected in the Church. The Holy Spirit is a spirit of power, but do we understand how powerful God really is? God is a Workman, a Builder, a Creator and the power by which He is perfecting His creation is His Spirit.

“The Power Behind the Spiritual Creation” by Messenger Church of God released under a cc-by-nc-nd Creative Commons License:
This image released under a CC cc-by-nc-nd license. Click here for details.