Did Jesus Teach ‘Different Commandments’?

Are the commandments Christ taught different from the ones revealed in the Old Testament, as some allege? The Sabbath, tithing and certain other laws, the reasoning goes, are not included in the commandments Christ was referring to when he said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). This idea is hardly a new one. It was taught by second century teachers such as Justin Martyr and Irenaeus, and numerous others who followed down through the centuries. But what does God’s word say? Did Jesus teach a different set of commandments? Continue reading

Christ In You — the Hope of Glory!

Scripture teaches that the resurrected saints will share in the glory of Christ! “…we are God’s children; and if children, then also heirs, heirs of God and fellow-heirs with Christ — if in reality we share His sufferings, so that we may share his glory too” (Romans 8:16-17, Williams Translation). What does it mean to have glory or to be glorified in the Biblical sense? The glory of God signifies the divine splendor, honor and majesty of his person, and the showing forth of his attributes. The glorified saints will share in the divine nature of God (II Peter 1:4), receiving the gift of eternal life (Romans 2:5-10). Yes, unbelievable as it may seem, given our fragile and transitory nature, like a “vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (James 4:14), we created and limited beings may be given his eternal life. Continue reading

Did Jesus Break the Sabbath?

It’s been asserted that Jesus broke the Sabbath, and hence we are free to disregard it as well. But did Jesus break the Sabbath?

The basis for the idea that Jesus broke the Sabbath is the accusations made by Jesus’ enemies among the Pharisees and scribes. Because Jesus performed miracles of healing on the Sabbath, the Pharisees accused him of breaking the Sabbath (Matthew 12:10; Mark 3:2, John 9:14-16). John records a healing that Jesus performed at one of the festivals in Jerusalem. Because of this the Jews sought to kill him. John records that in a confrontation following the healing Jesus said to his enemies, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.” Then it says, “Therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill Him, because He not only broke the Sabbath, but also said that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God” (John 5:17-18). Hence the argument is made that Jesus worked on the Sabbath and broke the Sabbath, leaving Christians free to do so. Continue reading

2013 Sermons

The Truth About Hell
True Values
Did Jesus Fulfill the Law?
Proving God
What Kind of King Would You Be?
God of Grace
Keys To Happiness
Binding and Loosing
How Many Comings (Part 2)
How Many Comings (Part 1)
Marriage Supper Parables
The Law of Liberty
Lessons From the Feast of Trumpets
Your Personal Relationship with God
How Important is Doctrine?
Five Benefits from Having the Holy Spirit
The Purpose Of The Church Today
Keys To Study and Understand the Bible (part 2)
Keys To Study and Understand the Bible (part 1)
True Disciples of Christ