The Weekly Sabbath and Its Meaning

Keeping the Weekly Sabbath is one of the ten commandments. That ought to indicate to us the importance God places on keeping the Sabbath. Yet it is shocking but true that most people who claim to believe in the God of the Bible do not keep the Sabbath! If they observe any day at all as a day of rest from secular labor, it is not the Sabbath that God commanded to be kept!

Yet, God commanded Sabbath observance for a reason, actually, several very important reasons. One reason to keep the Sabbath holy as God commands, is because it has prophetic significance regarding the future of the world and mankind. Keep reading for vital knowledge about the meaning of the weekly Sabbath.

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Pentecost – Grace and Judgment in this Age

Like all of God’s festivals, the Feast of Pentecost has great significance pertaining to his plan for all mankind. One of the important features of Pentecost is that it can serve to illustrate how grace and judgment are interwoven in how God deals with human beings, including his Church.

This article explains how Pentecost relates to both grace and judgment in the plan God is working out for his people.

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In Prosperity Beware!

In the modern age Americans and many others around the world are enjoying unprecedented wealth. Luxuries previous generations could not even dream of are taken for granted by today’s generation. But how are we faring morally and spiritually in the midst of such abundance?

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Covenant and Promise

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Rod Reynolds discusses promises God made to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. These promises included physical blessings to specific peoples, or nations. Understanding how these promises have been and are being fulfilled in these latter days is an important key to understanding Bible prophecy in our age. Learn what they are and how they may affect you!

“Rod Reynolds – Covenant and Promise” by COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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How Will the World be Different When Christ Returns? Part 3

A key theme of the Bible is that of a Messiah to bring salvation to the world (cf.; Isaiah 49:6; 52:10). Jesus Christ is prophesied to return to the earth in power and glory, restore peace, and establish a righteous and just government over the earth (cf. Psalm 72:1-7; Daniel 7:13-14; Revelation 11:15).

After the living God, Creator of all that is made, establishes his government over the earth, it will be a much different world. In the final article in this series, we will explore some additional important ways in which the world will be different after Christ returns.

First, let’s review key points covered in the previous articles in this series. After Christ returns there will be: (1) An end to oppression. (2) Just government. (3) An end to war. (4) Peace and harmony among races and nations. (5) Stable government. (6) Predictable and favorable weather, and abundant produce for all.

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