Man’s Greatest Challenge

Perhaps the greatest challenge mankind has faced down through history is that of living together in godly love — with peace, harmony and good will. Failing that challenge has produced conflict, slaughter, mayhem, wars, death and misery on a massive and near universal scale down through history from the first man and woman to the present day.

God has provided in his Word the instructions for meeting that challenge. Those who desire to be in the Kingdom of God will have to learn how to apply the principles found in God’s Word that show us how to live in peace, as much as it’s up to us as individuals.

“Man’s Greatest Challenge,” audio recording by Rod Reynolds, COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Godly Character Requires Patience

One of the notable traits of God’s nature and character is patience. God wants to shape our nature into the likeness of his nature, with our willing cooperation. If we are to have godly character, we must learn patience. How is God’s patience exemplified? And in what ways are we expected to develop and practice patience?

“Godly Character Requires Patience” audio recording by Rod Reynolds, COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

The Way of Peace

Shortly after John the Baptist was born, his father, Zacharias, who was a priest, prophesied of his mission. Among other things, Zacharias prophesied of John the Baptist, that he would: “…go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways” (Luke 1:76).


To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, To guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:79).

Yet, although the world desperately needs peace, the world does not know the way of peace.

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Godly Character Requires Patience

One of the notable traits of God’s nature and character is patience.

God wants to shape our nature into the likeness of his nature, with our willing cooperation. If we are to have godly character, we must learn patience.

How is God’s patience exemplified? And in what ways are we expected to develop and practice patience? Continue reading

The Way of Peace

Published November 26, 2018
The Bible makes it plain that there is a way of life that is referred to as the way of peace. Yet, few know the way of peace. Certainly the world, with its chaos, confusion, strife and conflict, is not at peace. In this message are revealed ten steps in the way of peace that you can apply in your life.

“The Way of Peace” by Messenger Church of God released under a cc-by-nc-nd Creative Commons License:
This image released under a CC cc-by-nc-nd license. Click here for details.