How to be a Real Christian

In the world today there are well over 2 billion people who claim to be Christian. Among those claiming to be Christian are represented a wide assortment of beliefs and practices that are often contradictory not only to each other, but are often exactly the opposite of what Jesus Christ himself believed, taught and practiced. One dictionary definition of a Christian is one who professes belief in Jesus as Christ. Is a Christian just anyone who claims to be a Christian? If not exactly what does it mean, from the standpoint of Scripture, to be a Christian? What makes one a Christian in God’s sight?

In this article is information that can help you understand how you can become a true Christian, or if you are a real Christian, how you can remain one.

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Does It Pay To Obey God?

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Does obeying God have any benefit? Are God’s people destined for a life of blessings or a life of hardship? Rod Reynolds discusses how it pays to obey God.

“Rod Reynolds – Does it Pay to Obey God?” by COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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Can Anything Be Done About the Weather?

Many, perhaps the majority, of people in our land think little about the real source of the tremendous blessings we have enjoyed in the U.S.A. over the past 200 plus years. Similar blessings have been enjoyed by Great Britain and countries settled by the British, and other nations inhabited predominately in modern times by the descendants of Abraham.

These blessings have spilled over into many other countries as well, and through blessings promised to Abraham and his descendants, all nations have been blessed. This is true not only from a spiritual standpoint, but to a degree, it includes physical blessings as well.

One blessing in particular, that we need to take notice of, is favorable weather. It’s been said that people are always talking about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. Yet the question remains, “Can anything be done about the weather?” As we will see, the answer is yes, there is something we can do about the weather. Continue reading

The Way of Peace

Published November 26, 2018
The Bible makes it plain that there is a way of life that is referred to as the way of peace. Yet, few know the way of peace. Certainly the world, with its chaos, confusion, strife and conflict, is not at peace. In this message are revealed ten steps in the way of peace that you can apply in your life.

“The Way of Peace” by Messenger Church of God released under a cc-by-nc-nd Creative Commons License:
This image released under a CC cc-by-nc-nd license. Click here for details.

Thirst For Living Water

Without water you can’t live. In fact, your physical body consists largely of water. And the supply of water in your body must be constantly replenished for you to thrive. Usually we rely on our sense of thirst to tell us when and how much water to drink. Sometimes, however, for various reasons, our sense of thirst may fail us. And when that happens individuals may become sick or even die from dehydration. At other times, people may thirst, but seek to satisfy their thirst with impure water that, either slowly or quickly, produces disease and death. Do you thirst for living water, pure, flowing, abundant and life-giving?

Thirst For Living WaterThe Spirit of God is analogous to water. “On the last day of the Festival–the great day–Jesus stood up and cried aloud. ‘Whoever is thirsty,’ He said, ‘let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, from within him–as the Scripture has said–rivers of living water shall flow.’ He referred to the Spirit which those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not bestowed as yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified” (John 7:37-39, Weymouth translation).

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