God is the Giver of Every Blessing

Those who have understanding will acknowledge that the ultimate source of every blessing is God, the Giver, the Creator and Sustainer of life. From the Scriptures Rod Reynolds explores how all of our blessings: life, health, freedom and many others, are gifts of God

God is the Giver of Every Blessing” COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

What Is Death?

What is death? There are many ideas about death. Often they have in common the idea that when humans die they don’t really die but continue to live a conscious existence, somewhere, somehow.

The Bible teaching is very clear about the state of the dead. But the Bible’s clear teaching has been enshrouded in myths and superstitions.

The ideas about an immortal soul continuing after death in heaven, hell, or purgatory common in popular Christianity are also found in various heathen religions and philosophies. Scriptures where the Bible mentions “heaven” or “hell” have had read into them ideas alien to Scripture, ideas adopted from pagan religions in the first centuries after Christ as Church leaders turned from Biblical teachings and embraced pagan concepts in the guise of Christianity. Understanding what death really is can help you better understand your own nature and that of your loved ones. It can help you better understand God, his plan and purpose for mankind, and how he will accomplish it. Continue reading

Scientists Refute Darwinism

Scientists Refute Darwinism

Book Review by Rod Reynolds

Evolution From Space: A Theory of Cosmic Creationism
Sir Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981. 176 pp.

The authors are widely recognized as two of the world’s leading scientists. Hoyle has made major contributions to astronomy and was knighted in 1972 for his achievements. He has headed the Royal Astronomical Society, is a fellow of the Royal Society, an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a foreign associate of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. He has taught at universities in England and America. Chandra Wickramasinghe, a recognized authority on interstellar matter, first collaborated with Hoyle in 1962 when they proposed a radically new theory for the origin of interstellar dust which has since gained general acceptance. Wickramasinghe is professor and head of the department of applied mathematics and astronomy at University College, Cardiff, Wales. For some years the authors have been examining the question of how life came to exist and the possibility that it might have reached earth from Space. Their investigations have convinced them that organic life such as exists on the earth requires the pre-existence of a non-organic intelligence. Continue reading

The Mystery of Life’s Origin

The Mystery of Life’s Origin

Book Review by Rod Reynolds

The Mystery of Life’s Origin: Reassessing Current Theories

Authors: Charles B. Thaxton, Walter L. Bradley, Roger L. Olsen; Foreword by Dean H. Kenyon. New York: Philosophical Library, 1984. 228 pages

Some admit it, others don’t, but for evolutionists origin of life research has reached an impasse, a point of crisis. To find out why, read this book!

For more than 30 years scientists have been attempting to understand and simulate processes which they believe might have led to earth’s first living organisms. This book is the first to correlate and critically evaluate the various lines of theoretical and experimental research in this field. Continue reading