Free To Be Lawless?

The “Magna Carta,” and “Bill of Rights,” give testimony to the fact that Americans, and Britons, especially, have historically treasured the ideal of “freedom.” But despite such historic love of freedom, are we really free? Continue reading

Will Christ Return in 2015?

It’s been suggested that solar and lunar eclipses occurring in 2014 and 2015 point to Christ’s return in 2015. How much can eclipses be relied on to predict the return of Christ or other prophetic events? Continue reading

The Coronation of Joash

When Jesus Christ returns to the earth that will in certain respects be perhaps the greatest single event in history, at least since the creation of man. It will be a pivotal point in man’s history and in the working out of God’s plan for mankind (Acts 3:19-21).

As we study various parts of the Bible dealing with this great event and the times immediately preceding it, we discover that it will occur to the accompaniment of a veritable chorus of sounding trumpets.

This great event which signals, among other things, the restoration of genuine peace, prosperity and joy to a suffering humanity. is prophesied and prefigured in the Bible in many different places. That this event is so prominent should not surprise us, because it is the very focal point of the gospel of the Kingdom of God, which is in various ways the theme of the Bible from one end to the other.

Among a variety of historical events which prefigure events relating to the return of Jesus Christ and the restoration of God’s government to the earth is a particular one I want to discuss in this article. Specifically I want to discuss the coronation of King Joash of Judah, and circumstances associated with it. and show you how Joash’s coronation prefigures the coming of Jesus Christ. Continue reading

Every Eye Will See Him


The statement “every eye will see him” (Revelation 1:7), is it a literal statement? I always figured Christ’s return would be a big event that would shake the whole world. Of course he could come like lightning, he could come any way that he wants. He could take a day or it could be instantaneous. From Scripture it seems that there will be no doubt when His coming takes place. The statement “even they who pierced Him,” to what is it referring?qr_Every_Eye

Do the armies of the world unite to fight Christ at his coming or do they just end up in Israel fighting each other? Is the Beast defeated militarily before Christ’s return? Continue reading