Is the kingdom of God, as many assume, merely a warm feeling in one’s heart, or a vague idea about someday ‘going to heaven’? Or is the kingdom of God more real, tangible and powerful than most people have imagined? Continue reading
Tag Archives: Jesus Christ
Eternal Life Is of God
From the beginning of human history men have desired eternal life. Humans have gone about seeking it in their own way. Adam and Eve were looking for it when they sinned. Satan told them, “You will not surely die” (Genesis 3:4). Yet they, and all humans who have ever lived prior to our time, have died (Hebrews 9:27), because eternal life is of God. Continue reading
Free To Be Lawless?
The “Magna Carta,” and “Bill of Rights,” give testimony to the fact that Americans, and Britons, especially, have historically treasured the ideal of “freedom.” But despite such historic love of freedom, are we really free? Continue reading
Will Christ Return in 2015?
It’s been suggested that solar and lunar eclipses occurring in 2014 and 2015 point to Christ’s return in 2015. How much can eclipses be relied on to predict the return of Christ or other prophetic events? Continue reading
Have We Entered Our Rest?
The Bible speaks of a rest for the people of God. What is that rest? Have Christians already entered into the rest? Continue reading