Love and the Fullness of God

Few understand that God created humans to become like him, to become offspring, children, created in his likeness. This fact is reflected in the very first chapter of Genesis: Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:26-27).

But at that time, while human beings were created in the image of God in certain respects, their nature was not God’s nature. They did not have the mind nor the character of God. The love and the fullness of God was not in them.

Yet, to be ultimately filled with his love and the fullness of God was the purpose for which God created human beings. And you have the potential to begin fulfilling that purpose now, the very purpose for which you exist!

In this article is revealed the means by which you can experience the love and the fullness of God. Continue reading

Will Politicians Save Us?

Each election season in democratic countries like the United States millions get excited over a new leader taking office, hoping that the candidate(s) they favor will either solve the problems facing the country or pursue policies that will personally benefit them. Will politicians save us from the monumental disasters that loom on the horizon? Continue reading

God’s Answer to Terrorism

Terror attacks have become commonplace in today’s world, especially in Western nations and parts of the Middle East and Africa. What is God’s answer to Terrorism? Continue reading

God Our Father

What does it mean to be a father? Have you ever thought about it? What is it that fathers are supposed to do? What makes the difference between a “good” father and one not so good? What can we learn about these questions from God our Father?

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