Did Jesus Fulfill the Law?

Question: Didn’t Jesus fulfill all of the Law and all of the Feasts through His coming to earth, going to the cross, and being raised on the 3rd day? He has sat down at the right hand of God and continually makes intercession for us. He is our High Priest. Or am I not reading my Bible correctly?


Answer: Jesus fulfilled the law in the sense of perfect obedience to it, as he did not sin (Matthew 3:15; cf. Acts 13:22; Romans 2:27; Galatians 5:16; 6:2; 1 Peter 2:22).

Note that Paul was sent as a steward of the gospel, with the responsibility to “fulfill the word of God,” in the same sense in which Christ fulfilled the law (Colossians 1:25). Robertson (Word Pictures in the New Testament) comments on the verse as follows: “to fill full or to give full scope to the Word of God.” Paul prayed for the Christians in Thessalonica, that they would “fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power” (2 Thessalonians 1:11).

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What Kind of King Would You Be?

The Fall Festival season pictures the Kingdom of God being established on earth. That means a new government will be established to rule all the nations of the earth! (Revelation 11:15; Daniel 7:14).

Why is a new government necessary? Because government in the hands of man has failed miserably. The record of history is one of war, oppression, poverty, disease, all too often famine, and every other evil imaginable, often caused by government, or at other times not prevented by man’s governments. Historically, government has often been man’s greatest enemy. Yet, effective and genuinely beneficent government is essential to the well being of man. A new and much better government is needed to replace current governments with their failures, inadequacies and evils. Continue reading

Abide In God’s Word

Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). To be a genuine disciple of Jesus Christ, rather than one in name only, requires abiding in his word. That’s what Jesus Christ himself said. That means a real disciple of Christ, a real Christian, is one who abides in — continues in, or lives according to — the teachings of Christ. And one of the teachings of Christ is that we are to live “by every word of God” (Luke 4:4). Continue reading

Applying God’s Laws Under the New Covenant


Some may wonder why we teach an obligation to keep some laws of the Old Testament, such as the ten commandments and the law of clean and unclean meats, but not some other laws of the Old Testament, such as the “ritual after childbirth.” Continue reading