Citizens and Sons of the Kingdom of God

The benefits and blessings in store for citizens and sons of the kingdom of God are beyond what most people have ever dreamed of or imagined! Yet this potential is real, and is available to you now! But what does it mean to be such a “citizen,” or a “son” of God (in a generic sense, without regard to sex)? And how may this be achieved? Continue reading

The Great Unknown

Uncertainty is one of the biggest challenges to faith that a Christian will face during his or her lifetime. The history of the world shows us that stability and instability ebb and flow across vast regions of the globe often leaving citizens wondering what the future will bring.

We live in uncertain times and the great unknown about the future can be a source of worry. At times we might feel as though we are all alone and vulnerable to every bad thing the world has to offer.

About three years ago I suddenly fell very sick, the kind of sick where you are convinced that you might die any minute. I don’t say that lightly, I have been sick with the flu and various viruses in times past where I ran high fever and stayed in bed for days or as in one case was even hospitalized for three days. But, I have never been sick to the point where I was sure I would die at any moment and I had no idea whether or not God would deliver me. Maybe you have been in a similar situation where you wondered if God would deliver you.

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Disputing Doctrine

Does it really matter what you believe? Why can’t we just mind our own business and try to get along with others, no matter what our differences in belief?

Doctrinal disputes among those who profess to be of a particular religion or other system of belief are common — and have been for millennia. This applies not only among those who profess to be Christians, but among those of other religions, or political and other belief systems.

As Christians how are we to handle doctrine? Should we involve ourselves in disputing doctrine? If so, when and how? Continue reading

Christ In You

In the Scriptures we are told that Christ dwells (through his Spirit) in his Church – in its members individually and collectively (Romans 8:9-10; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19-20; 2 Corinthians 13:5; Ephesians 1:17; Colossians 1:27). Have you ever stopped to think about what this means?

Is Christ in YOU? How can you know?
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