God made promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob concerning their descendants. These promises included physical blessings to specific peoples, or nations, and to the entire world. And the fulfillment of many of the prophecies concerning these nations was to occur at the “end time,” that is, near the time in which we are living now. Understanding how these promises have been, are being, and will continue to be fulfilled is an important key to understanding Bible prophecy. The fulfillment of these prophecies not only is a powerful testimony to the existence of God, and his power, and the authenticity of the Bible as the inspired word of God, but ought to prompt in our hearts and minds a spirit of thanksgiving for the blessings we have received from God’s hand.
Tag Archives: covenant
The Two Covenants (Part 3)
As we’ve seen in previous installments of this series, the overall reason for the giving of the Old Covenant was because of transgressions – sin – lawlessness (Galatians 3:19). “Why then was the law [the Old Covenant] made? God gave it… because so many people were doing what was wrong” (Galatians 3:19; Bible in Worldwide English version).
But within that overall framework, there are at least five major reasons for the institution of the Old Covenant that we find in Scripture. Let’s examine these five reasons now one at a time: Continue reading
The Two Covenants (Part 2)
Why was the Old Covenant given? According to the Bible, because of sin. Find out what that means! Continue reading
Why Did God Become Flesh?
Have you ever stopped to think why God – an eternal Being who existed before time began (as we count time) – would become flesh and blood? Does that not seem a bit peculiar, when you think about it, that the very Creator, the Being whose power sustains the entire vast Universe, would be changed into a mere human, infinitely weaker and limited by comparison? Continue reading