Some writers from the second century onward attempted to link the Nicolaitans (Revelation 2:6, 15) with the deacon Nicolas (or Nicolaus) mentioned in Acts 6:5. However, as the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia states, “The historical value of these attempts is debatable, and the paucity of information about either Nicolaus or the Nicolaitans makes such a connection questionable – especially in the light of Luke’s portrayal of Nicolaus’s Christian character” (“Nicolaus,” vol. 3, Eerdmans revised edition, 1986, p. 534).
Whether or not there was ever a specific sect that called themselves “Nicolaitans,” as used in Revelation “Nicolaitans” is a symbolic term for haters of God’s law who by their teachings lead members of God’s Church and others into committing idolatry and spiritual adultery or fornication (and perhaps literal fornication or adultery, as well; Revelation 2:6, 14-15).
One might ask though, why was this term chosen?