The Two Covenants (Part 1)

Why does the Bible speak of the two covenants, or “testaments”?

Did God try one system and find that it didn’t work — so substituted another totally different system? Or did God give us an “Old Covenant” to show that man could not Live by His Law — then later substitute a new covenant of “grace” that required no obedience to law?

Is the “New Covenant” the very antithesis of all that the old Covenant stood for — as many assume?

Why did God give Israel the “Old Covenant”? Why did He later institute a “New Covenant”?

The true answers to these questions have been understood by very few — yet they are simple and plain.

Nothing is more essential to an understanding of true Christianity than a knowledge of the relationships between the two covenants. Millions have fallen prey to subtle satanic deceptions because they LACKED THIS UNDERSTANDING. Even some who have had a knowledge of true Christianity and have received the Holy Spirit have stumbled and FALLEN over a lack of understanding regarding this issue!

It may prove essential to your salvation that you gain a true knowledge and perspective of the relationship between the Old and New Covenants!

Because of the importance and complexity of this subject, this article presents the first in a series exploring the “two covenants,” that is, the Old and New Covenants, and the relationship between the two.

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God Overrules Supreme Court

In the pledge of allegiance to the American flag is the statement that we are “one nation, under God.” But we have become a people, from the highest officials on down, who defy God. Our leaders, including the Supreme Court of the United States, have enacted laws which encourage and facilitate rebellion against God and his laws.

As a result we witness before us today an unraveling of civilized society that has been compared by some commentators with the collapse of the ancient Roman Empire (e.g., “Rome and America,” Kerby Anderson,; “Will America soon fall, just as Rome did?,” The western world — especially the United States, Great Britain and most of Europe — is plunging into an abyss of moral decay and lawless indulgence which has truly frightening portents for the future. Continue reading

God Our Father

What does it mean to be a father? Have you ever thought about it? What is it that fathers are supposed to do? What makes the difference between a “good” father and one not so good? What can we learn about these questions from God our Father?

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Christ In You

In the Scriptures we are told that Christ dwells (through his Spirit) in his Church – in its members individually and collectively (Romans 8:9-10; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19-20; 2 Corinthians 13:5; Ephesians 1:17; Colossians 1:27). Have you ever stopped to think about what this means?

Is Christ in YOU? How can you know?
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Proclaim Liberty

“Proclaim liberty,” Scripture says (Leviticus 25:10; Isaiah 61:1). For the better part of human history, most of mankind has been in bondage. Indeed, in a sense the entire creation has been subject to bondage in certain respects (Romans 8:20-21).

Many are unaware that even now many millions are literally trapped in slavery, human bondage. The story of how men have enslaved one another, and subjected their own kind to bondage, denying them liberty, is surveyed in this article. The good news is, liberation is coming for all mankind, not only from physical slavery but from slavery to sin, as well, yet in circumstances many will not expect.
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