Were the Commandments “Nailed to the Cross”?

It’s frequently taught that the ten commandments were “nailed to the cross,” and so are not obligatory for Christians. Yet, the Bible plainly states that individuals who insist on violating these very commandments — lying, stealing, committing adultery, etc. — will NOT inherit God’s kingdom, unless they repent. This article will open your eyes to the real truth about this question — IF you’re willing to believe it! Continue reading

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Origins of the Trinity

The Trinity doctrine is widely (though not universally) accepted within the realm of traditional Christianity. Yet it’s unlikely that the majority of nominal believers in the Trinity have really examined the doctrine closely. Exactly what is the Trinity? Is it Biblical? What are its true origins? Continue reading

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When Is the Biblical Passover?

Many who think of themselves as Christians would wonder why does it matter when is the proper time to observe the Passover. Yet, not only did Jesus Christ observe it, the Church he established throughout the era of the original apostles kept it annually as well, as instructed in God’s word. It’s commonly acknowledged by Bible scholars and historians that the Sunday Easter tradition did not prevail among professing Christian churches until around the middle of the second century, A.D.

The Church of the New Testament, the Church of Paul the Apostle, and the original twelve Apostles, kept the Passover. Those who want to practice the true Christianity of the Bible will then want to be keeping the same tradition, based not on the commandments of men, but on the commandments of God (Mark 7:6-7, 9; 1 Corinthians 11:1-2; Revelation 12:17; 14:12).

But even among those Christians who do make an effort to keep the Passover, there has arisen confusion about the proper date for its keeping. When Is the Biblical Passover?  provides solid Biblical and historical evidence to help you understand when the Passover should be kept. Click on the link to download your free pdf copy of When Is the Biblical Passover?. You may also contact us to request a print copy free of charge.

Also, our publication When Is the Biblical Passover? is now available in a Smashwords edition. The Smashwords edition can be downloaded in epub, mobi (Kindle), or pdf formats, and several others, or read online. The Smashwords edition has been assigned an ISBN (9781310413230), giving it a listing in Books in Print, the world’s most comprehensive database of books published in the U.S. and abroad. Additionally, Smashwords distributes books to multiple online ebook retailers, including Apple, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo and others.

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