Some believe that if one has enough faith and simply “claims God’s promises,” that his life will be blessed with happiness, abundance, good health. Is this what the Bible REALLY Teaches?
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Free To Be Lawless?
The “Magna Carta,” and “Bill of Rights,” give testimony to the fact that Americans, and Britons, especially, have historically treasured the ideal of “freedom.” But despite such historic love of freedom, are we really free? Continue reading
Why Do We Keep the Passover?
It’s widely acknowledged among Biblical scholars and historians that Jesus and the early Apostles kept the Passover — as the historical and Biblical evidence clearly shows. Is there any reason for Christians to keep the Passover today? YES! Find out why! Continue reading
Will Christ Return in 2015?
It’s been suggested that solar and lunar eclipses occurring in 2014 and 2015 point to Christ’s return in 2015. How much can eclipses be relied on to predict the return of Christ or other prophetic events? Continue reading
Is the Word Amen “Pagan”?
Some have alleged that the word “amen,” customarily used in affirmation, including affirmation of a prayer in Christian and Biblical usage (e.g., Matthew 6:13), is “pagan.” Is this true? Continue reading