What do bunny rabbits, Easter eggs, and hot cross buns have to do with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Actually, NOTHING! As is widely acknowledged, “Easter is a pagan festival” (Heather McDougall, The Guardian, April 3, 2010). So should Christians observe Passover or Easter? Continue reading
Author Archives: Rod Reynolds
Will Politicians Save Us?
Each election season in democratic countries like the United States millions get excited over a new leader taking office, hoping that the candidate(s) they favor will either solve the problems facing the country or pursue policies that will personally benefit them. Will politicians save us from the monumental disasters that loom on the horizon? Continue reading
God’s Answer to Terrorism
Terror attacks have become commonplace in today’s world, especially in Western nations and parts of the Middle East and Africa. What is God’s answer to Terrorism? Continue reading
Citizens and Sons of the Kingdom of God
The benefits and blessings in store for citizens and sons of the kingdom of God are beyond what most people have ever dreamed of or imagined! Yet this potential is real, and is available to you now! But what does it mean to be such a “citizen,” or a “son” of God (in a generic sense, without regard to sex)? And how may this be achieved? Continue reading
God Overrules Supreme Court
In the pledge of allegiance to the American flag is the statement that we are “one nation, under God.” But we have become a people, from the highest officials on down, who defy God. Our leaders, including the Supreme Court of the United States, have enacted laws which encourage and facilitate rebellion against God and his laws.
As a result we witness before us today an unraveling of civilized society that has been compared by some commentators with the collapse of the ancient Roman Empire (e.g., “Rome and America,” Kerby Anderson, www.probe.org; “Will America soon fall, just as Rome did?,” www.foxnews.com). The western world — especially the United States, Great Britain and most of Europe — is plunging into an abyss of moral decay and lawless indulgence which has truly frightening portents for the future. Continue reading