How Will the World Be Different When Christ Returns? (Part 2)

The Bible assures us that Jesus Christ will one day return to earth and restore “all things” as has been prophesied by God’s prophets “since the world began” (Acts 3:21). He will establish at that time a literal world ruling kingdom, that shall never end (Revelation 11:15). In part one of this series we discussed several ways in which the world will be different from today’s world when Jesus Christ establishes the Kingdom of God on earth.

As discussed in that article there will be: (1) An end to oppression. (2) Just government. (3) End to war. (4) Harmony among races and nations.

Now let’s continue with a discussion of some other ways in which the world will be different, and far better, than today’s world after Jesus Christ returns to establish his kingdom. Continue reading

Can Anything Be Done About the Weather?

Many, perhaps the majority, of people in our land think little about the real source of the tremendous blessings we have enjoyed in the U.S.A. over the past 200 plus years. Similar blessings have been enjoyed by Great Britain and countries settled by the British, and other nations inhabited predominately in modern times by the descendants of Abraham.

These blessings have spilled over into many other countries as well, and through blessings promised to Abraham and his descendants, all nations have been blessed. This is true not only from a spiritual standpoint, but to a degree, it includes physical blessings as well.

One blessing in particular, that we need to take notice of, is favorable weather. It’s been said that people are always talking about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. Yet the question remains, “Can anything be done about the weather?” As we will see, the answer is yes, there is something we can do about the weather. Continue reading

Biblical Fasting

The calm waters of the Jordan River flow south toward the Dead Sea in the land of Galilee, Israel.

Full Audio of Sermon: Biblical Fasting

Published February 16, 2019
Moses fasted, David fasted, Nehemiah fasted, Daniel fasted, Jesus fasted, as have many other men and women of faith. Jesus said his disciples would fast. But what does it mean to fast from the standpoint of the Bible? Why should one fast? How? How often? Learn the answers to these and other questions as Rod Reynolds discusses Biblical fasting.

“Biblical Fasting” by Messenger Church of God released under a Creative Commons [CC BY-ND 3.0 (]License:
This image released under a CC cc-by-nc-nd license. Click here for details.

Mardi Gras

Early in the year according to the commonly accepted civil calendar (the Gregorian calendar), a strange custom called “Mardi Gras” or “Carnival” is observed widely in allegedly “Christian” nations. What is the origin of this weird festival, and is it truly Christian in nature? Continue reading

How Will the World Be Different When Christ Returns? (Part 1)

For approximately the past 6000 years, since mankind rebelled in the Garden of Eden, the earth has been under the curse of Satan’s rule. Satan has not ruled without restraint. God has remained supreme over the universe, including the earth, but to a large extent he has allowed Satan to influence mankind. And Satan, within certain parameters, has remained, as referred to in 2 Corinthians 4:4, and other Scriptures, as the “god of this age,” or of this world.

The result of Satan’s influence has been a history of oppression, warfare, famines, widespread poverty, deception, ignorance, disease, crime, and other evils that have plagued mankind. What the world needs is a new kind of government, a government not of Satan, nor of men, but of God, the benevolent Creator, and author of every blessing, including life itself (James 1:17-25; Acts 17:24-25). The time when that new government appears may not be far off, although no one on earth knows for certain the exact time when it will happen (Matthew 24:30-36).

How that future world will be different is the exciting and greatly encouraging subject of a planned series of articles, of which this is the first.

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