Defending the Gospel

Influential skeptics, especially in the past two or three centuries, have spun myths about the Bible, how it was written and compiled, and have lied about its historical accuracy. As a result, many have come to doubt the Bible as historically reliable, and hence dismiss it as a serious guide to life. The increasing lawlessness and amoral behavior endemic in today’s world is partly a consequence of how the message of the gospel has been undermined by an unrelenting campaign aimed at discrediting the record of Holy Scripture.

Historical analysis, archaeology, and epigraphy have gone far to lend support to the veracity of the Bible, which is the gospel, the word of God. Unfortunately unknown to multitudes, time and again the myths and assumptions of the Bible’s critics have proven wrong, as reviewed in this message.

“Defending the Gospel” COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Seek God and Find Him

Azariah the prophet told Asa, king of Judah, “The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you” (II Chronicles 15:2).

What is it that the majority of people in today’s world seek most? It is God? Is it money? Pleasure? I think you know that whatever the correct answer to the question is, it’s not God. Many do their best to hide from God, or even deny that God exists, but relatively few people in today’s world spend much time seriously seeking God.

Perhaps we could ask ourselves, what it is that we seek most. It is God? There are many scriptures that instruct and encourage us to seek God, and tell us what rewards we can expect to receive in doing so. And what does it mean to “seek God”? How does one go about it? The Bible has the answers, which we explore in this message.

“Seek God and Find Him” COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

How You Can Know the Future

Many have wondered, especially in times of tumult, of chaos and confusion, such as the time we are living in now, as many are bearing burdens of stress and worry, what does the future hold?

In every age, people have asked similar questions, and sought answers in various ways. As in past ages there are those who have claimed to know the future, predicting things to come in specific ways or at a specific time. Over the years people have predicted within a certain time frame things like a stock market crash, or catastrophic climate change, or the return of Jesus Christ on a certain date or within a certain time frame, such as five years or ten years. Very often, however, these predictions have failed to prove accurate.

However, the Bible tells us how it is possible for us, for you, to know the future.

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Psalm 119 — A Psalm of Devotion to God

The 119th Psalm contains a range of sentiments, thoughts, emotions, states of mind. It speaks of affliction, of persecution, of trouble, anguish, sorrow and despondency, of pleading for relief and salvation, but also of hope, of rejoicing, of indignation towards evil, of assurance, of faith, of determination to resist evil and obey God, and of thanksgiving.

It seems to touch on almost the entire range of circumstances and emotions that a person of faith might experience over a lifetime. But the emphasis throughout the entire psalm is on a love of God’s word, seeking after it, and being faithful to it.

Discover some important lessons as we review the powerful words of Psalm 119.

“Palm 119 — A Psalm of Devotion to God” COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Why Did God Choose Israel — Part 2

Because of the faith of their forefathers God chose Israel. But not only for the sake of Israel. Through them the world was to have an example, and be blessed as well. Israel failed to be the example God desired, but God will ultimately bring salvation to the peoples of Israel and all nations as Scripture explains.

“Why-Did-God-Choose-Israel-part-2” COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.